New trans fat-free oil being used in all campus dining locations

Elon Dining Services is Trimming the Fat with new Trans Fat-Free Oil

Elon Dining Services is participating in a countrywide initiative to convert to a zero grams trans fat fryer oil (defined by the FDA as 0.5 grams per serving or less) in all of its dining locations on campus. This announcement is in response to research, conducted by ARAMARK, Elon University’s dining provider, that shows consumers are more concerned than ever with their intake of trans fats.

ARAMARK worked with suppliers, dietitians and chefs to identify a product that provides the same great taste consumers enjoy in a non-hydrogenated corn and sunflower oil containing zero grams of trans fats.

According to the 2006 ARAMARK Nutritional Dining Styles Research, 27% of American adults feel strongly about limiting their trans fats intake in meals purchased away-from-home, up from an average of 21% in 2005. This research, a comprehensive, nationwide study of the away-from-home eating habits, nutritional preferences and perceptions of Americans, is conducted each year to better understand consumer preferences and tailor dining programs to fit consumer needs.

Elon Dining Services is committed to meet the needs of the students at Elon University. You asked us to consider using trans fat-free oil at our locations, and we made it happen.