Climate change is topic of April 23 lecture

A leading scientist will discuss the potential impact of climate change during the Voices of Discovery science lecture at 7:30 p.m., April 23, in Whitley Auditorium. Details...

Eric Barron, director of the Earth and Mineral Sciences Environment Institute at Pennsylvania State University, will deliver the Voices of Discovery science lecture at 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, April 23, in Whitley Auditorium. His speech, which is free and open to the public, is part of the Voices of Discovery Science Speaker Series, sponsored by the departments of Science and Mathematics. The series invites noted scholars in science and mathematics to Elon to share their knowledge and experience with students.

Barron’s research focuses on the complexity of climate change and the effect it has on ecosystems and human welfare. He has designed mathematics-based computer models that simulate the complex nature of weather, taking into consideration variables such as the ocean, the atmosphere and human activities. Barron also studies physical evidence of past climates on Earth to test the reliability of current climate models. He believes the ability to forecast future climates will allow the world to reduce the negative impacts of climate change on ecosystems and human welfare.

Barron has served in on the National Research Council and has contributed to various government programs such as the U.S. Global Change Research program. He recently testified before the U.S. House Committee on Science about the state of current climate research.

Barron earned a bachelor’s degree in geology from Florida State University, and master’s and doctoral degrees in oceanography from the University of Miami.