VanKuiken selected Advisor of the Month in Region

Sarah VanKuiken was selected as the South Atlantic Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls Advisor of the Month for February. Sarah is in her first year at Elon as Assistant Director for Residence Life in North Area.

Here is an excerpt from her nomination letter:

“Sarah truly cares about every person on her Resident Assistant staff. Not only does she bake practically on a weekly basis for staff, she opens up her home to her staff and is always extremely hospitable. Her cheerful and playful nature makes everyone feel at ease, yet she is one of the most professional people on Elon University’s campus.

“She makes me want to be a part of something that means so much to her. I know that she is passionate about her job, because it shines through every facet of her personality and character. I admire her for her beliefs and values, and she is my mentor and role model. I came into this year unsure of how my advisor would be, and what she would be like. I never imagined that one person could make such a difference in people’s experiences. When I look around our weekly staff meetings, I know that each person looks up to Sarah, and knows that what we see is what we get. What I see is a leader, mentor, and most importantly, a dear friend.”