The Call Of South Africa GST 206-IS Returns For A Second Year

It’s back!   After generating considerable interest in Winter 2007, its debut year, GST 206-IS: The Call of South Africa returns for Winter 2008, running from January 3rd – 25th, 2008.  The course promises to be even better and more exciting than before.  Several new changes have been put in place to ensure another successful year.  We are pleased to announce that the cost of the course has been reduced from $4700 to $4485! A new South African service provider makes it possible to provide students with the best possible service at an even better value.  Read more . . .

Sandra L. Reid, a Lecturer in the Department of Human Services, will join Dr. Prudence Layne, Assistant Professor of English in leading the course. With more than 22 years of experience working in the North Carolina juvenile justice system, she brings invaluable expertise in developing the service-learning initiatives that are part of the course, including our work with at-risk youth. 

While last year’s itinerary took students along the scenic Garden route of South Africa’s West Coast, next year’s course will travel the East Coast, departing Cape Town,  for Durban, traveling through Kwazulu Natal, tracing Ghandi’s footsteps, stopping in Kruger National Park before arriving in Johannesburg.

In addition to the new route, the course will feature exciting readings and lectures by South African and African-American writers, scholars, and activists, visits to museums,, cultural  and historical sites, immersion in South African communities and townships, outings with South African university students, and other opportunities to last a lifetime.

There are several ways you can decide if this is the right study abroad program for you. Stop by the Isabella Cannon Centre to pick up a brochure and gather more information or go their website at Visit the South Africa course blog at for updates and to read student reflections from last year. Finally, you can contact Dr. Layne at with questions.  Join us in 2008!