Colonnades Dining Hall Focuses on Sustainability

What is Elon Dining Services doing?

•Natural light in the offices decreases the need for artificial lighting.
•Occupancy monitors reduce the energy consumed when spaces are not in use.
•Energy-efficient lighting pictures diminish the amount of energy needed for lighting.
•The Heating and Air Conditioning system incorporates environmental controls to conserve energy.
•Appliances installed in the building comply with EPA’s Energy Star Program.
•The building’s electrical system is designed to meet or exceed the NC State Energy Code.

The following materials are made of recyclable material in whole or part:
•Gypsum board (100% recycled material)
•Ceiling tile (50% recycled material)
•Insulation (35% recycled material)
•Steel (30% recycled material)

•The air conditioning system brings in the outdoor air to provide continuous fresh air.
•During construction, the air conditioning equipment is protected to prevent contamination.
•To provide a healthier indoor environment, the paints selected for this building do not contain compounds such as VOC’s.
•The flooring and flooring adhesives do not contain chemicals that harm the environment.
•The building will be cleaned with environmental compliant products.
•Individuals can control their work environment condition including light and temperature.
•Operable windows allow users to access fresh air.
•Natural light and views to the exterior are provided in the offices.
•Mechanical equipment in the attic isolates noise away from the building occupants.

•The landscape design includes sidewalks that connect to existing pedestrian pathways.
•Storm water is collected before it leaves the site to protect the surrounding natural systems.
•This site is selected to minimize the impact on natural resources.
•Best Management Practices are incorporated into the site to limit surface erosion.
•Bike racks will be provided to promote alternative means of transportation.
•This building is sited along the university’s bus line to reduce the use of single occupancy vehicles.
•The number of parking spaces is limited to zoning requirements to save the surrounding natural systems.
•As a multistory building, the project minimizes the amount of green space needed for construction.
•The flat roof is white and will reflect heat away from the building.
•The building, colonnade, and landscaping will shade the site and reduce the heat gain.