Bring Your Own Mug to College Coffee

Do your part in Elon's sustainability initiative. Starting Tuesday, bring a reusable mug to College Coffee. Read this note for more details on B.Y.O.M. and other efforts to promote a green campus …

Do your part in Elon’s sustainability initiative. Starting Tuesday, bring a reusable mug to College Coffee.

Every week College Coffee uses hundreds of disposable cups and individually wrapped sugars and creamers, creating an unnecessary amount of litter and trash. By bringing your own coffee mug instead of using paper cups, you can help reduce the waste.

We call it the B.Y.O.M campaign – the start of an effort to promote simple daily sustainable actions by students, faculty and staff.

We’re hoping that B.Y.O.M. will remind all of us that being “green” is our responsibility and sometimes it’s as simple as flicking a switch or filling reusable mugs at College Coffee. Green shouldn’t be a burden. It’s really all about changing daily habits and making smarter lifestyle choices.

The Elon Environmental Advisory Council is also promoting other green campus initiatives including installation of high efficiency T-12 lighting systems, low-flow faucets and the conversion of all Elon transportation vehicles to biodiesel or hybrid models. 

For more information on Elon sustainability visit:

And check out the latest sustainability news in the new E-Net section called “ENVIRONMENT”

And don’t forget B.Y.O.M.!

– Gerald Whittington and the members of the Environmental Advisory Council