Morgan selected for European study tour

Betty Morgan, associate professor of political science, has been selected to participate in the 2003 Academic Associates European Security Study Tour in Brussels, Belgium, July 6-13. Details...

The tour is sponsored by The Atlantic Council of the United States Office of Education and The Program on Transatlantic Relations.

Morgan will join 17 administrators and faculty from U.S. colleges and universities for the program, which is designed to support faculty who mentor students in the area of U.S. engagement in world affairs. The group will take part in sessions at NATO, various European Union (EU) institutions and meet with officials from both organizations.

The program strengthens ties between emerging and established leaders, promoting dialogue on major issues that will affect future transatlantic relationships.

Morgan, who directs Elon’s Winter Term study abroad course on the EU, says there are many reasons this is an exciting time to have access to NATO and EU officials.

“At this critical moment, when the EU is drafting its constitution, when international relations have been transformed by the war in Iraq and when the dynamics of NATO, EU and U.S. relations are reorienting themselves, it is important that we learn as much as possible about these changes and what they might mean for us. I look forward to incorporating what I learn into the substance of my EU course, and I think Elon students will be the ultimate beneficiaries of my participation in the program.”

The Atlantic Council is a nonpartisan network of business, political and social leaders that promotes constructive U.S. leadership and engagement in international affairs. It was formed in 1961, consolidating the various citizens’ associations that emerged to promote understanding and support of the 1949 North Atlantic Treaty.