Casino Night With Sigma Phi Epsilon and Zeta Tau Alpha Nov. 6

Join the brothers of SigEp and the sisters of ZTA at Casino Night on Tuesday, November 6th from 8:00 to 10:00 in the Koury Concourse, in front of Alumni Gym. 

Entry is $5 at the door, and you’ll earn the chance to win various gift cards, DVD’s, or an iPod Nano!  All proceeds will be given to Youth AIDS and Breast Cancer Awareness & Education.  The theme of the event is red & pink, on behalf of Youth AIDS and breast cancer awareness. If you wear pink or red to the event, you will receive an extra raffle ticket to get the chance win these prizes. 

All students are welcome.  Free food and drinks will be available for all players. Games played include Texas Hold ‘Em, Black Jack, & Roulette.
We hope to see you there!