Honeycutt articles accepted for publication

Earl Honeycutt, Professor of Business Administration – Marketing, was recently notified that two of his articles were accepted for publication.  The first article, “An Introduction to the Offshore Ethnocentrism Construct,” is scheduled for publication in Services Marketing Quarterly.  This article was co-authored with Shawn Thelen at Hofstra University, Tonya Thelen, and Dr. Vince Magnini at Longwood University. The abstract of the article appears below:
This study employed a series of in-depth interviews, supplemented by a literature review, to identify six elements that frame the offshore service ethnocentrism construct: security concerns, home country bias, animosity toward firms that offshore, enmity directed at overseas service providers, communication/ anxiety concerns, and legislative support against offshoring. While some interviewees vehemently opposed services offshoring on all grounds, other respondents were more concerned about particular aspects of the practice. Additionally, many respondents were accepting of imported physical goods but opposed services being offshored, indicating that these are separate constructs in the minds of consumers. A discussion of the study’s findings and suggestions for future research are provided.
Honeycutt was also notified that a second article, “Utilizing Activity Theory to Plan Cross-Cultural Sales Training Programs,” was accepted for presentation at the 2008 National Conference in Sales Management (NCSM), that will be held March 26th – 29th in Dallas, Texas.  The article, co-authored with Jim Marken of Old Dominion University will be published in the NCSM conference Proceedings.  The abstract of the paper reads:

Activity theory is a process that sales managers and trainers can employ to logically identify differences—in the form of contradictions—that exist between cultural and managerial practices in sales training programs. This paper first introduces activity theory and then discusses how the process was implemented to successfully plan and conduct a sales manager’s training program in Japan. Results of the sales training program are presented and managerial implications of activity theory are offered.