Student winners of Recycled Art Competition Announced

Four teams competed on Monday, March 3rd in the 2nd annual Recycled Art Competition, sponsored by Residence Life. The teams created different art forms made from recycled materials including cardboard, glass, plastic bottles, wire coat hangers, newspaper, tin cans, and more.

The entries were on display from noon to 1:00pm and judged by Michael Fels, an assistant professor of art, Dave Worden, manager of Environmental Services and head of Elon’s ReycleMania program, and Kim Hume, secretary for the Resident Student Association.

The winning entry was a large face made mainly of tin soup cans called “Mmm Mmm Good.” Brett Patterson and Emily Miller composed this piece which also utilized newspaper and old boxes to help provide support for the face. They are the winners of a check for $200.

Second place went to James Burns who utilized materials including an old glass bottle, glass beads, wire coat hangers, and plastic bottles and bottle caps to create a simplistic flower display. James will receive a check for $150. Nick Dioguardi won third place after he created a guitar made of used cardboard and wire coat hangers for the strings. He will receive a check for $100. Brittany Ison and Karen Grunwald received an honorable mention for their piece made of plastic water bottles that resembled the Eiffel Tower.

The Recycled Art Competition is held in conjunction with the nationwide RecycleMania contest that Elon is competing in. Keep recycling!