Counseling Available for Students Affected by UNC Student Slaying

Many Elon students have friends or relatives who knew UNC SGA President Eve Carson who was slain last week in Chapel Hill. Some of our students knew her personally. The loss of a college student is always tragic, but for this to occur so close to home is particularly disconcerting. This note is to remind students that counselors in Elon’s Counseling Services are available to speak with students who may be grieving or just feel uneasy about this situation. They are located in the Ellington Center on campus (278-7280).

For your general information, the University always has a Counselor on Call; s/he may be reached after hours by calling Campus Security at 278-5555; just ask to speak with the Counselor on Call. Also, do not hesitate to contact the Chaplain’s Office at 278-7729 or the Office of Student Development at 278-7200 as resources for any personal concerns.