“Today we are all Hokies”

On the first anniversary of the worst school shooting in United States history, Elon University remembers those who lost their lives - and those whose lives were changed forever - on the campus of Virginia Tech the morning of April 16, 2007. SGA President Chase Rumley has composed an open letter to the campus community...

Dear Fellow Students,

A year ago, our campus learned of the horrific events occurring on the campus of Virginia Tech, a little over 2 hours away from us.  We were shocked at the tragedy.  At the conclusion of the day, 32 members of the student body and faculty had lost their lives.  These members of the campus community were friends, colleagues, mentors, campus leaders, and proud Hokies.  Each of them had made an impact on the lives of others within the community, and each continues to be greatly missed.

Today, you will notice that the Elon University campus is adorned with Virginia Tech colored ribbons around the light posts. You will also notice a Virginia Tech flag hanging in Moseley Center. These all serve as a reminder and memorial to the lives lost on this day a year ago. 

I encourage you to wear Virginia Tech colors tomorrow morning, or to stop by Moseley between 11-1 where the Resident Student Association will be passing out lapel ribbons to wear.

It is important that we not only take this moment to remember those whose lives were lost, but also that we remember those who still surround us.  Please tell your friends how much they mean to you.  Tell your faculty members that you appreciate their mentorship, and tell the staff of Elon University that you appreciate all they do. We have such a strong campus community here at Elon that it is important to honor that tradition, even as we reflect on a tragedy that both tore apart and brought together a campus in the foothills of Virginia.

“Today we are all Hokies”

Chase Rumley
SGA President