Chapel to observe September 11 remembrance

A special chapel service, titled "The Practice of Hope - Even in the Face of Disaster," will be held on Thursday, Sept. 11 at 9:50 a.m. in Whitley Auditorium. Details...

Chapel this week will offer a tribute to our national experience of September 11, 2001. We will view a portion of the PBS Frontline documentary, Faith and Doubt at Ground Zero, which explores the many spiritual questions that came out of the pain and destruction at Ground Zero.

On Thursday, you may wish to observe a moment of silence at 8:46 AM, 9:03 AM, 9:43 AM and 10:10 AM, the times of the four plane crashes.

During Chapel, we will create a Circle of Hope in cooperation with the September Eleventh Families for Peaceful Tomorrows – “an advocacy organization founded by family members of September 11th victims who have united to turn our grief into action for peace.”

If you cannot attend, check out these websites:

and, on the practice of hope:

All the great spiritual leaders in history were people of hope. Abraham, Moses, Ruth, Mary, Jesus, Rumi, Gandhi, and Dorothy Day all lived with a promise in their hearts that guided them toward the future without the need to know exactly what it would look like. Let’s live with hope.

– Henri J. M. Nouwen in Bread for the Journey

To Practice This Thought: Read a biography of a pioneer of hope.