Student Life announces 2007-2008 staff awards

Members of the Student Life division take time each year to recognize unsung heroes in each department, Elon University staff members whose efforts contribute to the success of the division and the lives of students.

The New Professional Award is presented every other year to an individual serving in their first or second year who exhibits exceptional ability and commitment to being a Student Life professional. The 2007-2008 recipient of this award goes to Phil Smith, assistant chaplain and director of Religious Life, for initiating several new programs (Summer Quest and Service Learning in Morocco), being an excellent builder among student life staff, being a student advocate and supporter, involvement in university programs (Elon 101, Greek Life, Phoenix Sports, Campus Rec, etc.).

The Professional Development Award is presented annually to an individual who has made singular advances in professional growth and development. The 2007-2008 recipient of this award goes to Carrie Ryan, assistant director for Residence Life operations and information management.  Ryan invested time and energy in learning new skills and taking on new endeavors that have contributed to her professional development and the division.  She successfully managed to complete courses toward her MBA during the current school year. Additionally, Ryan has served on a number of committees and organizations that have challenged her to achieve new heights.

The Student Advocate Award is presented annually to an individual who is an exceptional mentor to students, engaging with them in purposeful student development activities. The 2007-2008 recipient of this award goes to LT Richmond, director of the Multicultural Center, for being a supervisor who values, empowers and even challenges students. Her nominator says it best: “LT just really focuses on giving students the opportunities to grow, experience, and have fun which I think is so critical to a student advocate.”

The Collaboration Award is presented jointly to the division programs that excel in forming partnerships within and/or outside the division that advance student development. The 2007-2008 recipient of this award goes to Residence Life, Greek Life, and Physical Plant for “working together to help our students leave a better world for their children and future students of Elon University.” There were programs to reduce the amount of waste production and energy consumption by the university.

The Diversity Award is presented to the division program that shows commitment to “the dignity of difference”. The 2007-2008 recipient of this award goes to Pride Week, which was filled with educational and social programming that included a Drag Ball, Movie Monday, Theology Tuesday, Western Wednesday, Transgender Thursday, and Day of Silence on Friday. It showed commitment to the dignity of difference by celebrating the LGBT community.

The Innovation Award is presented to the program/individual that breaks new ground in serving and/or further developing the growth of students. The 2007-2008 recipient of this award goes to Nadia Alamo, associate director of Residence Life, for her guidance and innovation in redesigning the housing selection program to better meet the needs of the students. The system allowed students to choose their building based on real time availability information.
The Dean’s Commendation Awards are presented annually at the discretion of the vice president for Student Life & dean of students. They recognize individuals or programs that truly exemplify the core values an advance the mission of the Student Life division. The 2007-2008 Dean’s Commendation Awards go to the following individuals:

Whitney Pack, assistant director of Judicial Affairs, received the “Baptism by Fire” Award.

Danny Glassmann, assistant director of Residence Life and Multicultural Center, received the “Sunshine” Award.

Lauren Martin, coordinator for Substance Education, received the “Show Me the Money” Award.

Clifton Johnson, assistant director of Moseley Center, and Bruce Nelson, director of Counseling Services, received the “International AOC/COC” Award.

Jay Anhorn, director of Greek Life; Sarah Barnes, assistant director for Campus Center Operations and Student Activities; Janis Baughman, director of Student Activities; Clifton Johnson, assistant director of Moseley Center, Zach Thomas, assistant director of Greek Life; Michael Williams, director of Moseley Center, & Paula Zachary, program assistant for Judicial Affairs received the “Spirit of the Phoenix” Award.