IMPORTANT storm preparation news for students-DO NOT POST

ALL STUDENTS should read this note for steps they can take now to prepare for the effects of Hurricane Isabel ...

  • Many people are tempted to watch and/or play in the middle of the storm. A hurricane is a natural disaster, and can be fatal. Don’t choose this time to go play in the rain or create a slip n’ slide. If you are directed to come inside or evacuate an area, please cooperate immediately.
  • Unless you are on the coast, Hurricane Isabel will not look like the hurricanes you see on the weather channel. We probably won’t have roofs flying off buildings. But we will experience high winds, rain, falling trees and tree limbs, etc. It will be like a very intense thunderstorm without the thunder. Contact your family and make a plan for updating them after the storm blows over.
  • Get a flashlight and fresh batteries. Candles are still not allowed in campus housing due to fire danger.
  • Charge up your cell phone.
  • Check e-net for class and additional information. You may also call 278-RAIN (278-7246) for information.
  • The Shuttle between apartments to the east and west of campus, and the tram that runs from Danieley to McMichael Center, will operate as usual unless the weather prohibits.

    In case of power outage, the swipe card access system in the residence halls will remain functional for a few hours. After that point, we will revert to the prior “code lock” system and codes will be available from Campus Safety & Police and Residence Life Staff.

  • If you only have a cell phone or portable phone, you may want to consider buying an inexpensive land-line (traditional handset) phone that does not require electricity.
  • Phone banks will be set up in Moseley to call home and update your family if necessary.
  • Even if your family lives nearby, please do not consider driving east, north or south of campus immediately prior to or during the storm.
  • If you live in Elon housing, please communicate with your roommate, floormates, and or RA, Head Resident or Housing Assistant about your whereabouts. Similarly, off-campus students should let their apartment mates know there whereabouts, or call the Moseley Front Desk 278-7215. Think of the old buddy system from kindergarten. In the event we must evacuate, it’s helpful if someone knows where you are.
  • In the event we evacuate campus housing, you will want a few items with you: pillow, blanket, change of clothes, toothbrush, other necessary toiletries/medications.
  • Essential services will be provided (food services, health services, etc.)