Chakrabarti organizing Calcutta conference

Chandana Chakrabarti, associate professor of religion, is organizing an International and Interdisciplinary conference, scheduled for Jan. 3-6, 2004 in Calcutta, India. Sponsored by The Society of Indian Philosophy and Religion, the theme of the conference is “Language, Consciousness and Culture: East-West Perspectives.”

The theme can be addressed critically, reflectively and creatively by the philosophical, religious and scientific traditions of the world’s great civilizations. The program will include plenary addresses, volunteered papers, invited papers and panel discussions. Registered participants who are members of professional associations or societies are encouraged to submit proposals for holding meetings in the conference on behalf of their associations or societies. The organizers are committed to upholding the highest academic standards with emphasis on the exchange of ideas and dialogues among thinkers drawn from a wide range of the world’s cultural traditions and movements.

Some of the universities scheduled to participate in the conference include:

  • American University in Cairo
  • Calcutta University
  • Duke University
  • Elon University
  • George Washington University
  • Indian Institute of Technology
  • Syracuse University
  • University of Melbourne

For more information, contact Chakrabarti at