Anhorn letter quoted in Chronicle of Higher Ed

Jay Anhorn, director of Greek Life & ELONTHON adviser at the university, was quoted in a Chronicle of Higher Education story about a forthcoming video game for the Nintendo Wii that simulates “Beer Pong,” a popular binge drinking game on many university campuses.

Anhorn serves as president of the Association of Fraternity Advisors. As such, he spoke on behalf of the association in a letter critical of game software developer, JV Games Inc.

“In many cases, Nintendo games promote intellectual and physical skills development; others are just for fun,” Anhorn writes in the letter, excerpts of which were included in the Chronicle story. “But why would you choose to promote a game that glorifies unsafe or detrimental behaviors, especially one that is to some extent targeted to young people at a most impressionable time in their lives?”

To read the full letter and the full Chronicle article (subscription required), click on the links to the upper right.