“Painting Without Permission” screening Saturday, Oct. 25

Everyone is invited to the first Elon University screening of “Painting Without Permission” this Saturday evening at 8:00PM in Yeager Recital Hall.  Erin Eldred-Brown will be our special guest representing Schools for Chiapas.  The Periclean Scholars Class of ’08 partnered with this non-profit organization, and this documentary brings to life one aspect of that relationship.

“Painting Without Permission” is a collaborative work, but was put together by the skilled hands of Tesla Mellage, Periclean Scholar Class of ’08. This documentary features footage of New Years Celebrations in Oventic, Mexico and the painting of a two room school in the nearby community of Suytic. Artist and activist Gustavo Chavez Pavon anchors the story of the mural painted on the school’s outside wall, and we learn about the Zapatista struggle for basic rights for the indigenous people’s in Mexico.

Come learn about Schools for Chiapas, the Zapatista Liberation Army (EZLN) and Periclean Scholars Class of 2008.  Click on the link to the right to see the trailer for the documentary.