Pendulum editor featured on

As the 2008 election season draws to a close, CNN has been sharing stories of voters across the United States and their observations on the race for the White House. The cable news outlet included comments from Elon senior Olivia Hubert-Allen, featured Oct. 29, 2008, as part of an online student digest on

Olivia Hubert-Allen

Hubert-Allen leads The Pendulum student newspaper this fall as its editor in chief. In the CNN story, she expressed concern about the economy, and how she is trying to stay optimistic about finding a job after graduation.

“Everyone knows [the economy] is dismal, and everyone talks about howawful it is… but I don’t know many students, at this point, that feelpersonally affected by the economy,” she said.

Hubert-Allen’s appearance on is the latest in a string of national media stories that feature Elon University. Elon or its faculty have been cited this fall by the New York Times, NPR, the Associated Press and other regional news outlets in the run-up to the Nov. 4 elections.

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