Sunshine Day in N.C. scheduled for March 18 in Charlotte

The North Carolina Open Government Coalition has designated Wednesday, March 18 as Sunshine Day across the state.

The day falls during what is nationally known as Sunshine Week, a week set aside to reflect on the importance of open government as a cornerstone of democracy. On March 18 a workshop sponsored by the Sunshine Center of the North Carolina Open Government Coalition will be held in Charlotte at the Levine Museum of the New South. Panels planned will showcase working systems in use to efficiently access government officials’ e-mails, reporter’s use of new state legislation on salary disclosures and an overview of the successes and failures of open government in recent months.

Who should attend: Citizens, journalists, government employees, librarians, lawyers, historians, public officials, anyone and everyone.

Where: Levine Museum of the New South, 200 E. Seventh Street, Charlotte, NC 28202 (Directions) (Hotels)

Cost: $30 (includes lunch). Student registration is $15.

To register for the event, download the registration form.

Click to read the interactive and how-to workshop planned for Sunshine Day, March 18th.