Trollinger House Open House: Housing Bingo 2009 – Feb. 10

Howdy, kids. Do you like, you know, smart stuff? Good music? Books? Real film? Super. Truly. You should probably join the Arts & Letters Learning Community, located in the quite excellent Trollinger House, which is right over there near the train tracks, across from Sidetracks, so named because it, like Trollinger, is beside the, ah, tracks. Trollinger is not named for the tracks. But we digress.

Open House Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. to chat about all things Arts & Letters. If we’re lucky, we’ll get a train, too. Interested? Stop by tomorrow, and/or name five things of import that weigh more than a loaf of bread but less than a VCR and drop an email to any of the faculty advisers — Tita Ramirez (, MIchael Fels (, or Drew Perry (