Vote on changes to the SGA constitution through Feb. 25

As mentioned in the e-mail by President Chase Rumley, students will vote on changes to the constitution.

One amendment will focus on grammatical changes to the constitution and the other will focus on restructuring the Executive Cabinet to an Executive Council. This change is included below:


A. Purpose
a. The Executive Council shall be delegated responsibilities in respect to their position from the Executive Officers.
B. Definition
a. The Executive Council shall consist of the Chief of Staff, the Speaker Pro Tempore, and the Assistant Treasurer.
b. The Executive Council shall be selected by various methods.
i. The Chief of Staff shall be both a member of the Senate and selected by the Executive President with subsequent approval from the Senate.
ii. The Speaker Pro Tempore shall be both a member of the Senate and selected by the Executive Vice President with subsequent approval from the Senate.
iii. The Assistant Treasurer shall be both a member of the Senate and selected by the Executive Treasurer with subsequent approval from the Senate.
c. The Executive Council members shall serve concurrent terms of one (1) year.
i. No person other than a full-time student and elected or appointed member of the Senate may serve on the Executive Council.
ii. Before taking office, all members of the Executive Council shall be administered the Oath of Office by the Executive President.
iii. Members of the Executive Council may either a member of the sophomore, junior, or senior class, and either a member of the At-Large, Organization, or Academic Council, respectively.
C. Offices
a. The Chief of Staff
i. Shall meet with the Executive President as mandated in the Senate Bylaws each year.
ii. Shall serve as the contact for all appointments made by the Executive President to special, standing, and advisory faculty/staff committees.
iii. Shall plan and execute a training session for all student representatives appointed to campus committees by the Executive President.
iv. Shall serve as a liaison between the Senate body and the Executive Officers.
v. Shall assist the Executive President in promoting SGA interaction with other student governments, including contacting peer institutions in order to discuss policies and maintaining databases of those institutions’ constitutions and bylaws.
vi. Shall assist the Special Events Chair in planning internal Senate activities outside of regular meetings.
vii. Shall not be assigned to a standing, ad hoc, or a joint committee during the one (1) year concurrent term.
b. The Speaker Pro Tempore
i. Shall meet with the Executive Vice President as mandated in the Senate Bylaws each year.
ii. In the absence of the Executive Vice President, the Speaker Pro Tempore shall assume the responsibilities of the Senate.
iii. Shall be responsible for ensuring the Senate adheres to any dress code set in the Senate Bylaws each year.
iv. Shall assist the Executive Vice President in maintaining proper parliamentary procedure during Senate meetings.
v. Shall conduct a parliamentary procedure workshop during the Senate retreat in the fall and once during the following semester.
c. The Assistant Treasurer
i. Shall meet with the Executive Treasurer as mandated in the Senate Bylaws each year.
ii. Shall be the Assistant Manager of the SGA Student Loan Program.
iii. Shall serve as the Assistant Chair of the Finance Committee.
iv. Shall give the State of the SGA Budget by the second meeting of each month.
D. Vacancies
a. Removal
i. In the case that a member of the Executive Council is removed due to resignation or judicial action, the appropriate Executive Officer shall appoint another elected or appointed member of the Senate.
ii. The Senate must approve the newly appointed Senator within two weeks of the vacancy.



Voting will begin at 9am Tuesday and continue until 5pm Wednesday.