Human Services students raise HIV/AIDS awareness

Students in a human services senior seminar participated in National Public Health Week last week by raising awareness of HIV/AIDS and how it can affect college students and the community alike.

Students in HUS 461, led by associate professor Cynthia Fair, handed out information in Moseley Center and hosted a band at West End that donated all proceeds to Alamance Cares, which net more than $200 for the local organization. They also worked with Alamance Cares to promote HIV testing for more than 100 people.

“It was a fantastic turnout for the event. Students did a fantastic job of organizing and spreading the word,” said Courtney Pierce with Alamance Cares. “We had to end testing an hour early due to the fact that we had no more tests to use. Next time we will bring more!

“I hope we can plan future events since this was such a huge success.”

– Information submitted by Cynthia Fair