Online magazine highlights Imagining the Internet

"The Future of Things," an online magazine focusing on science, technology and medicine from around the world, has named Elon's Imagining the Internet Web site its "Site of the Week."

Reporter Sarah Gingichashvili writes: ”Imagining the Internet” is an Elon University project which aims to provide a peek at tomorrow by allowing people from all over the world to make predictive pronouncements about the future of humankind. Among the most interesting resources on the website is an explanatory section on the future and past development of communications networks, including video and audio recordings that reveal the ideas of cutting-edge thinkers such as Dr. Douglas Engelbart, an American inventor best known for his invention of the computer mouse, and Vernor Vinge – a well-known science-fiction writer and a retired professor of mathematics and computer science. The website also features a special section, which focuses on predictions made in the early 1990s, “during the ‘awe’ stage of the development of the internet.”

The Imagining the Internet Center is part of Elon’s School of Communications and is directed by Janna Quitney Anderson, associate professor of communications.