Commencement rain plan includes new temporary air conditioning

Members of the Class of 2009 will have an extra measure of comfort, thanks to the new Commencement rain plan. Jordan Gym in Koury Center, where graduates organize into the line of march prior to Commencement, has often turned into a hot zone in past years because the gym is not air conditioned. This year, graduates will enjoy a cool and temporary respite from the heat.

Elon has brought in Aggreko to install a temporary air conditioning unit in Jordan Gym. The AC was necessary because of an update in the rain plan, which would require the graduates to remain in Jordan Gym for the duration of the Commencement ceremony.

A generator in the parking lot will power a chiller, which cools off some water. The water then runs over the coils in an air handler, cooling the air which is sent into Jordan Gym through air ducts which are suspended from the ceiling. The air is cycled back outside through flexible ducts, goes back through the air handler, and returning to Jordan Gym. This system will efficiently maintain a comfortable room temperature.

Even if the ceremony is held Under the Oaks, the graduates will still benefit from the air conditioning while waiting to file outside.

Robert Buchholz, the director of the physical plant who oversaw the installation of the air conditioning units, expressed confidence in the system. He said Aggreko offered the best price and experience and provides this sevice for a number of major events, including air conditioning tents at PGA golf tournaments.

“If we are forced to use the rain plan, this will be a much better experience and more people will be able to see the students receive their diplomas,” said Buchholz.

The changes in the rain plan are a result of the large number of graduates this year. Approximately 1,140 students will graduate on Saturday. If it is necessary to implement the rain plan, friends and family will be relocated to the Alumni Gym in the Koury Center where a live video feed will allow everyone to watch the speeches that will take place in Jordan Gym. Graduates will process out of Jordan Gym into Alumni Gym to receive their diplomas, allowing friends and family to see the special moment in person.

The commencement ceremony will begin at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, and current forecasts call for scattered thunderstorms. Elon does have an excellent record for holding Commencement outdoors. The last time the Commencement rain plan was invoked was in 1998.

By Emily Eng