Harlen Makemson Discusses the Moon Landing on NPR’s ‘On the Media’

Harlen Makemson, associate professor in the School of Communications, recently appeared on NPR's "On the Media" to discuss the 40th anniversary of the U.S. moon landing.

Harlen Makemson’s book “Media, NASA, and America’s Quest for the Moon”

Makemson released his first book, “Media, NASA, and America’s Quest for the Moon,” in May. The book explores the dissemination of information about NASA’s lunar program on three fronts.

First, the book reveals how NASA struggled to provide the American public with wide open information, a charge that was mandated by Congress. Second, it focuses on the relationship between NASA and the press. Third, the book recounts the experience millions of Americans had watching space missions on television and reading about them in newspapers.

The Moon landing capped a decade of NASA trial-and-error, Cold War jockeying with the Soviets and negotiating an uneasy relationship with the press.

“On the Media” is one of NPR’s fastest-growing programs, heard on more than 200 public radio stations.

To listen to Makemson on “On the Media” click the link to the right under the E-Cast section.