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School of Communications team covering world Internet forum in Egypt

A team of Elon journalists led by Janna Anderson, associate professor and director of Elon's Imagining the Internet Center, is providing daily online news coverage of the fourth Internet Governance Forum facilitated by the United Nations in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt.

Tim Berners-Lee gives a keynote address

Anderson is covering the IGF along with communications students Eugene Daniel, Andie Diemer and Drew Smith and Shelley Russell, a student in the Interactive Media master’s program. Elon University’s Undergraduate Research Program and the Imagining the Internet Center provided most of the funding for the research journey.

On their first day at IGF, the students interviewed Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web, and teamed with Anderson to compile written, video and microblogged news accounts of communications policy speeches by Ahmed Nazif, prime minister of Egypt; Jerry Yang, co-founder of Yahoo; Robert Kahn, co-inventor of the Internet protocol; Hamadoun Touré, secretary general of the International Telecommunication Union; Lynn St. Amour, president and CEO of the Internet Society; and Rod Beckstrom, president and CEO of the Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers.

The team’s stories, photos and videos are posted on the Imagining the Internet Web site (http://www.imaginingtheinternet.org) and the project’s Twitter site (http://www.twitter.com/imagineinternet) and are being shared with international media outlets, including ITWire and ars Technica.

Egyptian Prime Minister Ahmed Nazif gives a keynote address

Student-faculty-staff representing the Imagining the Internet Center at Elon have attended many technology conferences over the past five years, including Accelerating Change at Stanford University; the OECD Future of the Internet Economy conference in Seoul, South Korea; the Metaverse Summit at Stanford Research Institute; and previous Internet Governance Forums in Athens and Rio de Janeiro.

Communications majors Eugene Daniel (l) and Drew Smith at IGF 2009

The students on the Imagining the Internet team in Sharm El Sheikh are also surveying IGF participants for an undergraduate research project, asking questions about the future of the IGF process and the future of the Internet.

> Click here to access Elon’s 2009 IGF Egypt coverage

> Click here for the Elon-produced story carried by ITWire

> Click here for the Elon-produced story on Tim Berners-Lee carried by Ars Technica

> Click here for the Elon-produced story on the root domain issue carried by Ars Technica

> Click here for the Elon-produced story on core Internet values carried by Ars Technica

> Click here for the Elon-produced story on the IPv6 transition carried by Ars Technica