Uncorked Senior Cocktail Etiquette, Part II – April 28

Seniors, don’t miss this second installment of UnCorked. Learn additional information about cocktail and professional etiquette on Wednesday, April 28 at 7 p.m. in Johnston Hall Alumni Center (on South Campus).

Have you ever wondered the proper way to order and serve wine? Interested in learning skills for professional networking events and dinners? Now is the time to learn and prepare yourself for life after college.

Join experts from the Wine Warehouse of Greensboro for a cocktail etiquette class. $10 per person to attend and all participants must be 21. For seniors who have contributed to the Senior Class Gift, the event fee is only $5. Click on the link to the right to register for this event!

For additional information or to register by phone, contact the Elon Alumni Association at alumnirelations@elon.edu or 336.278.7500.