It’s Tax Time

It’s Tax Time!

If you participate in Elon’s tuition remission benefit, don’t forget that a copy of your most recently submitted IRS 1040 form must be attached to the request for tuition remission each fall semester before approval can be given. Only the section on the form that lists the student as your dependent is needed. Any eligible employee, spouse or dependent who wishes to take advantage of the tuition remission benefit must obtain a tuition remission form from the Office of Human Resources prior to registration.

Rules for dependent eligibility in benefits

This is a reminder of the dependent eligibility rules for Elon University’s benefit plans. An eligible dependent child is defined as:

  • Any unmarried dependent child under 19 years of age or
  • An unmarried dependent child who is a full time student and is older than 19 years of age but less than 26 years of age.

If your dependents no longer meet the eligibility requirements mentioned above, please stop by the Office of Human Resources to make the necessary changes to your benefits. Removing your dependents from covered benefits when they lose eligibility may not only save you money, but may also prevent your dependents from having a break in continuous coverage if they elect COBRA or are eligible for coverage through their employer.

NOTE: If you continue to cover your dependents after they no longer meet the eligibility requirements, claims will not be paid for the ineligible dependents and you will not be refunded premiums.