Earl Honeycutt and Michael Rodriguez present at National Sales Conference

Love School of Business professors Earl Honeycutt and Michael Rodriguez were major participants in the National Conference in Sales Management (NCSM) Conference, held in conjunction with the Pi Sigma Epsilon (PSE) Conference in Milwaukee, WI, April 7-9. Honeycutt and Rodriguez, representing the Chandler Family Center for Professional Sales, presented a competitive paper, "CRM's Impact on the Collaboration of Sales Professionals," and led a special session titled "Should We Teach Our Students How to Manage Alcohol?"

Earl Honeycutt and Michael Rodriguez at the NCSM

The alcohol awareness session drew a lively discussion and the group voted unanimously to post the session materials on the NCSM website. Earl Honeycutt, director of the Chandler Family Sales Center, also presented a module as part of a “Meet the Editors” session in his capacity as associate editor of Industrial Marketing Management.

The conference was attended by seventy-five professors who teach in sales programs throughout the US, Europe, and Asia. LSB students Mattthew Cooke and Lindsay Richardson, past and current president of the Elon chapter of Pi Sigma Epsilon respectively, participated in the PSE Conference.