Fall 2010: Joshua Voss ’01 appears in NBC news segments

Joshua Voss '01 appeared in the July 22 episode of NBC's "Today" show and the Aug. 1 episode of "Dateline." Voss is an assistant research professor in the Robertson Coral Reef Program Florida Atlantic University's Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute and part of a team studying the spread of oil in the Gulf of Mexico following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

Joshua Voss ’01, right, being interviewed for NBC’s “Today” show

Voss was working with colleagues aboard the Research Vessel Seward Johnson, from which Harbor Branch scientists have deployed a four-man submersible to study an oil plume believed to be under the surface of the water.

Click the first link to the right to view the “Today” segment and the second link to view the “Dateline” segment.

After graduating from Elon with a degree in biology, Voss completed his Ph.D. in biological science at Florida International University in 2006. Learn more about Voss and his work with Harbor Branch by clicking the third and fourth links to the right.