Strongest Comprehensive Performance awards presented to Elon Law students

On September 9, Elon Law faculty members presented Strongest Comprehensive Performance awards to law students for the 2009-10 academic school year.

Catherine Dunham, left, associate dean for academic affairs and professor of law, presents Andrea Davis with the Best Overall Performance award for a fall 2009 section of Civil Procedure I.

Strongest Overall Performance awards are given to the student who has the best overall performance in each required class at Elon Law. The assessment criteria for best performance awards include student participation in class, oral, written, and group work in class, and the student’s final grade for the course.

“The faculty at the law school present these awards to indicate the importance of student contributions in raising the overall learning experience in the classroom,” said Elon Law professor Eric Fink. “We want to acknowledge those who stand out for their engagement of the subject matter, participation in the classroom, and elevation of the level of inquiry in the course for the benefit of all students.”

Winners of the Strongest Overall Performance Awards were:

Course Student
Fall 2009
Business Associations Nathan Standley
Business Associations Justin Kay
Civil Procedure I Andrea Davis
Civil Procedure I Marina Emory
Civil Procedure I Pamela Lawrence
Constitutional Law I Luke Gillenwater
Constitutional Law I Andrew Bench
Contracts I Mark York
Contracts I Kathleen Rose
Evidence Jessica Yanez
Evidence Samantha Gilman
Legal Method & Communication I Collin Cooper
Legal Method & Communication I Beth Klein
Legal Method & Communication I Marina Emory
Legal Method & Communication I Whitney Butcher
Legal Method & Communication I Ann Revels
Legal Method & Communication I Austin Morris
Legal Method & Communication I Pamela Lawrence
Legal Method & Communication I Tiffany Gray
Property I Scott Morgan
Property I Josh Neighbors
Torts I Matthew Leach
Torts I Andrea Davis
Winter 2010
Lawyering, Leadership & Professionalism Hamza Benzine
Public Law and Leadership Holly Wright
Spring 2010
Criminal Law Marina Emory
Criminal Law Beth Klein
Constitutional Law II Kelly Routh
Constitutional Law II Julie Goldfarb
Contracts II Hank Harrawood
Contracts II Allison Lukanich
Criminal Procedure Ivy Oakley
Legal Method & Communication II Selena Lackey
Legal Method & Communication II Jessica Anderson
Legal Method & Communication II Hasina Lewis
Legal Method & Communication II Bradley Bell
Legal Method & Communication II Andrew Hoke
Legal Method & Communication II James Grant
Legal Method & Communication II Erin Rega
Legal Method & Communication II Josh Neighbors
Property II Christopher Avery
Property II Jessica Anderson
Torts II Collin Cooper
Torts II Pamela Lawrence
Civil Procedure II Bradley Bell
Civil Procedure II Kathy Stewart


“At Elon, we’re fortunate to have law students who challenge each other and their professors in the classroom, and who engage the law in a variety of ways outside the classroom,” said Elon Law professor Howard Katz. “We congratulate those recognized today for their contributions in enriching the intellectual environment that exists at our school.”