Live Oak Communications blog connects with communications professionals

Live Oak Communications, Elon's student-run communications agency, has launched a blog initiative to connect with communications professionals and learn about trends in the industry.

Recent articles on the blog have been written by Aaron Brost, president of Ro-Bro Marketing & Communications in Chicago, and Tim Dorgan, president of—a digital out-of-home media company. New articles will be posted about every two weeks. Upcoming posts will include articles from Pete Brace, director of marketing services for Gatorade, Pepsico; Michael Stern, director of Zocalo Group, a word-of-mouth marketing agency; Virginia Bates, partner and director of promotion planning for Eric Mower & Associates, a Buffalo-based advertising agency; and Ann Camden, senior vice president of Gibbs & Soell public relations based in Raleigh.

The initiative sprung out of students’ desires to keep abreast of the latest trends in the advertising and PR industries, and to hear about these trends directly from professionals who have experienced them first hand. The blog will also contain news on Live Oak events and recent client work.

You can find the blog at or through the Live Oak Web site at