TAIZE Evening Service – Oct. 27

Please join us this Wednesday evening in Holt Chapel basement for a Taize Service
Oct. 27, 8:30 – 9:15 p.m.
Holt Chapel Basement

What is Taize?

In the 1940’s a small group of monks formed a monastery in the tiny town of Taize, France. They shaped their daily rhythms around simple living, service to the community, and worship. A contemplative style of worship emerged, one that drew heavily on meditative prayer and song, periods of silence, and the use of worship arts. This “Taize” form of worship, as it is now called, has begun to be recognized globally, and many people are finding it to be life-giving for them.

On Wednesday evening, you are invited to experience this Taize style of worship. At its core, this is an invitation to be in the presence of the Holy, surrounded by a community of light.

The service consists of:

  • singing/chanting,
  • scripture in many languages,
  • silence and reflection.

Please know that you are welcome to participate to the level you feel comfortable or just observe.

If you have questions, please feel free to contact Chet Denlinger (cdenlinger@elon.edu). The best way to find out what Taize is and how it’s different from other forms of Christian worship is to come experience it one time for yourself!

**Elon is also sponsoring a Spring Break trip to the actual monastery in France. Come to find out more details!*