David Levine featured in The Magazine of Elon

The faculty profile in the fall 2010 edition of The Magazine of Elon, available as a web link through this article, explores the teaching and research of Elon Law professor David Levine. Through the profile, titled Uncharted Territory, author Dave Hart describes Levine's interests in Internet law, his scholarly contributions surrounding trade secrecy law, and his radio show and podcast Hearsay Culture.

Elon Law professor David Levine

Highlights from the article include:

  • Commentary on Levine’s research from Stanford law professor Mark Lemley, Case Western Reserve University law professor Jacqueline Lipton, and the Electronic Frontier Foundation’s civil liberties director Jennifer Granick, as well as a comment on Hearsay Culture from Manuel Castells, University Professor and Wallis Annenberg Chair in Communications Technology and Society at the University of Southern California;
  • Insights into the benefits of Levine’s courses on Internet law and intellectual property law from Craig Turner, a Class of 2010 Elon Law graduate now serving as a law clerk for Judge Ben Tennille at the North Carolina Business Court;
  • Direct perspective from Levine about his enjoyment of teaching and mentoring, his interest in trade secrecy law, and his experience at Elon. “Elon is a unique place for someone like me,” Levine says in the profile. “The school has built its reputation on being very strong and dynamic in education, and it also has a substantial focus on open government. For me, that’s a great mix.”
  • And some unique dimensions about Levine’s life as a radio host and law professor interested in technology, including his penchant for encouraging people to try out his Commodore 64 1980s gaming system, housed in his law school office, and his practice of recording interviews for Hearsay Culture in his basement, which he light-heartedly calls “the East Coast studios” of Stanford University’s KZSU-FM radio station, where the show is broadcast.

Click on the E-Cast link to the right of this article to read the Magazine of Elon online, including the profile on Levine beginning on page 16.

Click here for additional information about Levine, including news reports on his recent presentations at law conferences.