Wilmington StarNews: Website aims to keep watch on Southport government

From the Wilmington StarNews (12/26/10): North Carolina General Statute 132 allows the general public access to government documents – from town ordinances to e-mails between government officials.

Few people in Brunswick County are as familiar with the state’s open government law as Southport residents D and Kendall Crews.

On Aug. 1, the couple started the website nofog.info, an acronym for Neighbors Oversight For Open Government, and began posting and commenting on public information including memos, letters to business owners and proposed ordinance changes.

As business owners who’ve had to close two shops because of the flagging economy, the couple has become focused on helping Southport merchants who are concerned about how town policies and regulations are affecting their ability to survive.

“It started with the issue over A-frame signs,” D Crews said recently.

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