March 14 – Diversity Infusion Program applications due

Due: 5:00pm

The Multicultural Center and the Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning invite you to apply to be part of the Diversity Infusion Project.

Consistent with the University’s unprecedented commitment to diversity and global engagement, the Diversity Infusion Project’s purpose is to develop and implement strategies to infuse the curriculum and pedagogies of the University with best practices related to diversity, broadly defined.

The Diversity Infusion Project will provide grants to teams of 2-4 people. A team typically will be comprised of faculty from the same department or program, but teams might include professional staff or a student, and might span more than one department/program.

Each team will work in two phases, supported by CATL and the Multicultural Faculty Fellow in both:

1) Phase I: The Research Phase (June-August 2011): During this phase, teams will identify and articulate discipline-appropriate best practices for teaching and learning related to course content (i.e. the knowledges of various groups) and/or pedagogy (e.g. inclusive and evidence-based approaches to teaching). By the start of the fall 2011 semester, each team will report the results of its research and create an action/assessment plan to deepen diversity content and/or pedagogy in specific courses during the 2011-2012 academic year. The team will share the plan with its program/department, with CATL and Multicultural Center, and with the University community on a web site created by CATL and the Multicultural Center.

2) Phase II: The Infusion Phase (August 2011-May 2012): During this phase, teams will pilot and assess their action plans. As this phase ends, and after consulting with their departmental colleagues, teams will plan for modifications or extensions of their work based on the results of the assessment. Each team also will write a brief summary report (actions taken, assessment results, possible next steps in the department/program, and general recommendations) that will be shared with their program/department, with CATL and Multicultural Center, and with the University community on a web site created by CATL and the Multicultural Center

Depending on the size of the teams and number of applications, we anticipate that 3-4 teams will be funded in 2011-2012. We anticipate continuing this program in future years, assuming departments and programs find it productive.

This program is supported in part by a grant from the Teagle Foundation.

Each team will have $500 to use for project expenses, and each faculty team member will receive a $1000 stipend (paid in equal parts at the completion of Phase I and Phase II). If a team proposes to include student or staff members, funding will need to be negotiated. Team members also may apply separately for other funds (such as a CATL Faculty Travel Grant) to support related travel or other expenses.

To apply
Each team must submit an application that includes:
1. The name, title, and CV for each team member;
2. A brief (<250 word) statement of what the team proposes to do and how that work will complement the department/program’s goals and/or its student learning outcomes related to diversity ;
3. A brief (<100 word) endorsement of the team’s proposal signed by the department chair or program coordinator AND the dean.

Applications must be submitted to CATL (Belk Pavilion 101, 2610 C.B., or pfelten@elon) by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, March 14. Electronic submission of materials is encouraged. If you would like to consult with someone as you develop your application, please contact Crystal Anderson, Multicultural Faculty Fellow, or Peter Felten, CATL.

An ad hoc faculty committee will review all applications and select the teams to be funded. Committee members will include members of the Multicultural Center and CATL advisory committees. Funding announcements will be made by April 4.

Questions about the Diversity Infusion Program should be directed to Crystal Anderson, Multicultural Faculty Fellow (x6481), or Peter Felten, CATL (x5100).