March 9–GE Vice Chair John Rice To Give Talk on Global Business Issues

John Rice, GE President and CEO of Global Growth and Operations, will be delivering a talk on global business issues on Wednesday, March 9 in LaRose Digital Theatre from 9:35 to 10:35 am and again from 10:50 am to 12:00 pm.

Mr. Rice is vice chair of GE. In November 2010 he was selected to lead the company’s global operations in high-growth markets including China, India, the Middle East and Brazil.

He began his career with General Electric in 1978, first serving on the financial management team, then in various capacities including VP of corporate audit, president of plastics for Asia/Pacific, CEO of GE Energy and president and CEO of GE Infrastructure.

Mr. Rice will be talking to students about global business issues. The program is open to all Elon students.