Elon Poll: N.C. lukewarm on Obama, unhappy with Perdue

North Carolina residents are divided on the way President Barack Obama is handling his job as president, but more than half the state disapproves of how Bev Perdue is fulfilling her duties governor, according to the latest Elon University Poll.

The poll, conducted April 11-14, 2011, surveyed 630 North Carolina residents and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.98 percentage points. The sample is of the population in general, with numbers that include both landlines and cellular phones. The Elon University Poll does not restrict respondents by voter eligibility.

With Obama, respondents were split on job approval ratings – 48 percent approval/45 percent disapproval – though more than half of those polled (51 percent) expressed a favorable view of the president.

Perdue’s numbers weren’t as high. Fifty-two percent of North Carolinians disapprove of the way she is handling her job as governor, while 39 percent approve. Forty percent of respondents view her favorably and 48 percent view her unfavorably.

More than three-fourths of respondents disapprove of the way Congress is doing its job, while 18 percent approve.

Respondents believed that Republicans in Congress (34 percent) would do the best job dealing with the main issues this year, followed by President Obama (26 percent), then Democrats in Congress (15 percent).

Burr and Hagan are faring better in the eyes of North Carolinians than the legislative body in which they serve.

Forty-two percent of residents approve of the way Burr is handling his job. Twenty-seven percent disapprove. Thirty-one percent indicated they “don’t know” how Burr is handling his job as US Senator.

Forty-six percent of North Carolinians are satisfied with Senator Burr’s representation of North Carolina, while 30 percent are dissatisfied.

Forty-four percent of residents approve of the way Hagan is handling her job. Thirty-four percent disapprove, and 22 percent “don’t know. “ When asked about Hagan’s representation of North Carolina, 48 percent were satisfied and 32 percent were dissatisfied.

North Carolinians are evenly divided in their approval of the North Carolina General Assembly with 41 percent approving and 41 percent disapproving of the job it is doing.

“Regardless of their party or position, North Carolinians are not particularly pleased with the performance of any politician and they are especially displeased with the U.S. Congress and the governor,” said Hunter Bacot, Director of the Elon University Poll.

The economy continues to be the most important issue for North Carolina residents. Respondents have a more pessimistic view on the direction in which the state is going, with 60 percent indicating that the state has gotten off on the wrong track. Nearly a third (32 percent) indicated that the state is headed in the right direction.

April 2011
Right direction: 32
Wrong track: 60

February 2011
Right direction: 38 percent
Wrong track: 56 percent

September 2010
Right Direction: 33 percent
Wrong Track: 63 percent