College Chapel: Senior Sharing – Journey, Lessons, Legacy

College Chapel: Senior Sharing – Journey, Lessons, Legacy

Thursday 9:50 a.m. – 10:20 a.m.
Whitley Auditorium

Join us this Thursday in Whitley Auditorium for a special “end of the year” College Chapel. Three seniors will reflect on their time at Elon and share thoughts on the journey it has been, the lessons they have learned, and the future that Elon has helped enable.

Thursday Chapel is a time and space to take a break from the busyness of the week and refresh the spirit. It is not a “worship service,” rather a time of reflection offered by a member of the Elon community or guest speaker. Music is provided each week by students and faculty from the Music department. Refreshments will be served following Chapel. All are welcome!

About our speakers:

Natalie Lampert is an International Studies and Creative Writing major from a few different places… but for the past four years, Elon has been home. Her immediate post-Elon plans include working on an organic farm, traveling, and serving in the Peace Corps.

Eugene Daniel is a senior Broadcast and New Media major from Marietta, Georgia. After graduation, Daniel plans to start a career in broadcast journalism as a local news reporter. Ultimately, he aspires to be a published author and motivational speaker. He enjoys singing, athletics, teaching, spending time with others and God.

Stephen Ferguson is a Communications major from Smithtown, N.Y. and an active member of the Catholic community on campus and at home. After graduating from Elon with a degree in Strategic Communications, Ferguson will work toward a graduate degree in Education from the University of Notre Dame.