Validate your service hours with EV! before Reading Day

Have you done service at Elon this year? Then you need to validate!

What: Validation simply means submitting your service hours (with a signature from someone who can verify that service) to the Kernodle Center. Validation can be done for an individual student’s service hours or for an organization’s service hours.

Where: Forms can be found at They can then be printed, filled out, and submitted to the Kernodle Center in Moseley 230.

When: Validation forms are due by the last day of classes. Feel free to still turn in hours from this past fall as well as the current spring semester.

Why: These hours will reflect positively on your student organization, as well as adding to the total number of service hours done by Elon students overall. These hours will also be added to each participant’s Elon Experiences Transcript, helping them document their personal service for future resumes, interviews, etc.

Questions? Feel free to email with any questions.