Seniors laud Career Services for help with future plans

Some have accepted top internships or will begin full-time work. Others plan to enroll in graduate school. For nine seniors who will receive their diplomas Under the Oaks on May 21, the first steps of their lives as Elon University alumni started months ago with a visit to the Office of Career Services. They’re now sharing their stories.

The Office of Career Services helps students transition to life post-Elon by offering information, advice and resources, including resume workshops, access to online job-hunting resources and even test preparation services for students with intentions of attending graduate school.

These students recently shared their reflections with the Office of University Relations.


From left: Nneka Enurah, Arwen Varner and Sarah Skogen

Name: Nneka Enurah
Hometown: Marietta, Ga.
Major: Media Arts and Entertainment
Plans after graduation: Employed with PopSugar Studios and TV as the production coordinator in Los Angeles
What resources, skills or information did you gain? I learned what would make my resume stand out, pitfalls and mistakes that first time job seekers often make, and I learned not only the importance of networking but how to do so effectively. I know for a fact that I wouldn’t be in the current position that I now have without using the resources that Elon provided as a starting point. I am very grateful for all the work that Career Services does.

Name: Arwen Varner
Hometown: Marietta, Ga.
Major: English (concentration in Literature)
Plans after graduation: Working as a technical writer with software development company ACS Technologies.
What resources, skills or information did you gain? I gained an understanding of how to market myself without the feeling that I was “selling my soul.” It gave me a thorough knowledge of the job search process, which allowed me to proceed confidently and, thus, promote my best self to possible employers. Spring semester of my junior year at Elon I kept debating with myself as to whether I should make the time to go to the job fair offered on campus. As it turned out, ACS was at the job fair and looking for a new technical writer. We struck up conversation. I emailed my resume to them later, and now I have a full-time job that I love. I doubt that I would be in this position today if Career Services had not hosted that job fair, and if I had not decided to show up.

Name: Sarah Skogen
Hometown: Woodstock, Ga.
Major: Sociology
Plans after graduation: Teach For America in Metro Atlanta, teaching elementary school and attending Georgia State University for a Master’s in Education.
What resources, skills or information did you gain? By working with career services, I received help creating my resume, revising my cover letters for graduate school, and interview preparation and practice through mock interviews. I also received very helpful feedback and critique on my 5 minute Teach For America class lesson, which was part of my final interview for Teach For America. Without working with career services, I do not think I would have had as many post-graduation options. Those working in career services were extremely helpful in my preparation to be accepted to graduate school as well as Teach For America, and it would have been a much greater struggle without them.


Name: Evann Clingan
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Strategic Communications
Plans after graduation: Research Fellow at Ketchum (a public relations agency New York City)
What resources, skills or information did you gain? I drastically improved my interviewing skills. I learned what my most valuable skills are and how to talk about my strengths and weaknesses. Ultimately, having the interview practice improved my confidence when it was time for real interviews. I would not have been lucky enough to work for an amazing company like Ketchum if I hadn’t worked with Career Services. Faculty members, such as Ross Wade, took so much time to help me personalize my job search and perfect my resume and interview skills.

Graduate/Law School

Name: Tavianna Williams
Hometown: Boston
Major: Strategic Communications
Plans after graduation: Attend Clemson University for a Master of Education (Counseling Education)
What resources, skills or information did you gain? Career services has always marketed itself as a resource for students seeking employment (and graduate school assistance). I had always known that I wanted to attend graduate school, but I lacked the resources to do so. I found preliminary grad school information as well as GRE information. This information included where I could get GRE test help, how much the test would cost, the best time to take the test, etc. I also worked with her to create a list of possible schools with programs in my area of interest.

Name: Laura Randall
Hometown: Milton, Ga.
Major: Religious Studies
Plans after graduation: Attend the University of Washington for a Master of Arts in International Studies-Comparative Religion
What resources, skills or information did you gain? I knew where I wanted to apply but I had very little direction as to how to go about that process. I ultimately decided to go to Career Services because it offered me help on the little details and basics of applying, aspects of the process that were too much to ask of professors that were already writing me multiple references. I learned how to tailor my skills and how I present them to the path I am pursuing. I had heard about how to write a resume for an internship, but had no idea that a resume for graduate school would look completely different. Career Services helped me be marketable to graduate schools.

Name: Anna Stroman
Hometown: Essex, Mass.
Major: Psychology
Plans after graduation: Attend Boston University for a Master of Clinical Social Work
What resources, skills or information did you gain? I was able to look at a huge selection of resume’s with Michelle Jones and she helped me edit mine down to make sense for the programs I was applying for, the layout of the resume and other details. I left the offices knowing that I had a presentable and well-polished resume that I felt confident using in my applications to MSW programs and other job applications. I also gained more skills in selecting applicable information for my personal statements. It was hard to narrow the statements down to what the schools were looking for and Michelle helped me with this process.

Name: Meredith Reedy
Hometown: New Providence, N.J.
Major: Psychology
Plans after graduation: Attend the Rutgers University Graduate School of Social Work
What resources, skills or information did you gain? Career Services provided me with a manual on how to perfect my resume. The manual gave tips on how to make your look professional and proficient with formatting ideas as well as ways to present information about your experiences, knowledge and strengths. The staff at Career Services also gave me tips on communicating with admissions counselors at graduate schools. I wanted to ensure my resume was up-to-date, professional and aesthetically pleasing, and I knew Career Services could assist me in doing that. I also wanted to have the strongest and most unique personal statement and knew Career Services would give me the advice and recommendations to do that.

From left: Tavianna Williams, Anna Stroman and Julia Crowley

Name: Julia Crowley
Hometown: Fairfax, Va.
Major: Political Science and Environmental Studies
Plans after graduation: Wake Forest University Law School
What resources, skills or information did you gain as a result? Particularly, I worked with Mrs. Rene Jackson on my personal statements, resume and cover letters for my law school applications. I was applying to 14 schools, which was a ton of work, and Mrs. Jackson looked over everything I asked her to and made my resume 100 times better than I could have on my own.


 – Compiled by Caitlin O’Donnell ’13