Faculty and students present on collaborative course design

In the past month Elon faculty and students have been featured twice nationally describing and analyzing student-faculty partnerships in course design.

Taylor Binnix (Spanish, ’13), Ketevan Kupatadze (Lecturer in Spanish), Omri Shimron (Assistant Professor of Music), and Peter Felten (CATL) presented a web-based seminar on collaborative course design on May 20. Binnix and Kupatadze described their roles redesigning a 300-level Spanish course, while Shimron explained how he and three students redesigned the introduction to music theory course. Felten provided context for this work, which builds on a series of projects Elon faculty and students have conducted with support from the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. This online seminar was sponsored by the Teaching and Learning Technology Group, a Maryland-based non-profit sponsored by more than one hundred higher education institutions across the United States.

Separately, the publication Academic Leader interviewed Maggie Castor (Philosophy, ’12), Deborah Long (Professor of Education), and Peter Felten for the article “Collaborating with Students on Course Design” (June 2011, 27:6, pages 3-5). The article by Rob Kelly focuses on how other institutions might adapt Elon’s practice of student-faculty partnerships in course design. Academic Leader’s audience is department chairs, deans, and other academic administrators.