Charlotte Observer: Davis to release his cellphone records

From the Charlotte Observer (7/22/11): North Carolina football coach Butch Davis said Thursday he will release records of the business calls he made on his personal cellphone in response to a media public records request.

Media outlets have sought to review Davis’ personal cellphone records in hopes of shedding light on an investigation that has resulted in NCAA allegations of major violations against the Tar Heels program.

Davis said his personal cellphone records were reviewed “completely and entirely” last fall by the university’s counsel, and he plans to release them “pretty soon.” He said he plans to redact personal calls from the records.

“It’s a personal cellphone that I’ve had for over 10 years,” Davis said. “And so we’ll redact and I will go through it and things like my wife, my son, my dad, my sister, close personal friends and family members, those types of things. Anything that has anything to do with university and business, those will be completely open for public record.”

The News & Observer also asked for records of business calls on Davis’ home phone. North Carolina spokeswoman Nancy Davis said Butch Davis has told school officials he does not conduct university business on his home phone.

Davis met for eight minutes with reporters after the annual Pigskin Preview charity luncheon that features coaches from North Carolina, Duke, N.C. State, East Carolina and N.C. Central.

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