News and Observer: N-O hits hard but fair

From the Raleigh News and Observer (8/6/11): "Because of the unfairly speculative and one-sided coverage of UNC's recent football issues," wrote one UNC-Chapel Hill graduate, "I will not read your paper or visit your website again."

Some N.C. State fans have a different view: The News & Observer has not been aggressive enough in reporting about the NCAA investigation into UNC football. “It seems (and I am an NC State alum) … that the hard questions have stopped,” one reader wrote.

Even Carolina fans are divided about the firing of Coach Butch Davis, so it’s not surprising our readers would have different views of our coverage and our motives.

This is a big, ongoing story with national implications (among them that Davis is a former NFL coach and several players involved are NFL prospects). So the story has attracted reporters from across the country.

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