Wilmington StarNews: New law shielding 911callers raises debate

From the Wilmington StarNews (8/23/11): Last year, Durham encountered a disturbing problem that would eventually have statewide ramifications: Witnesses to major crimes were calling 911 just to hang up.

Officials theorized that witnesses, fearful that news websites and television stations would later air the recording of their conversations, were refusing to speak with 911 dispatchers. By simply calling 911, however, the dispatcher could still locate the witnesses’ position and send an officer to investigate. Albeit the officer had little idea what kind of situation he was walking into.

The increase in the number of 911 hang-ups in Durham County in 2010 set off a lobbying effort that culminated earlier this year with the adoption of a new state law giving emergency services agencies more latitude in how they release 911 tapes.

In order to mask the caller’s identity, 911 centers now have the option to manipulate the person’s voice or provide a written transcript of the dialogue in lieu of the original recording.

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