Arcaro featured speaker at campus-wide convocation

Dr. Tom Arcaro delivers a talk on "Global Citizenship" at the University of Monterrey.

 Dr. Tom Arcaro, Professor of Sociology and Director of Project Pericles, was the featured speaker for the winter convocation at the University of Monterrey (UDEM) in Monterrey Mexico on Friday, January 27, 2012.  A crowd of approximately 300 students joined President Assad,  university Vice-Presidents and four Trustee members to hear Dr. Arcaro’s comments related to global citizenship.  Following the presentation Dr. Arcaro met with senior administration and Trustees to discuss the possibility of replicating the Periclean Scholars model at UDEM.  This event was the highlight of a four day visit to UDEM by Arcaro.  You can read about the presentation (in Spanish) here.