Tom Nelson authors article about empathy as a teaching technique for Journal of Media Education

Tom Nelson, an associate professor in the School of Communications, parlayed his summer 2011 professional development grant into an article published in the January edition of the Broadcast Education Association's Journal of Media Education.

Tom Nelson

Nelson’s article focuses on empathy as a pedagogical tool. Nelson worked during the summer as a television news reporter in North Dakota, where his expenses were partially underwritten by a School of Communications summer professional grant. Nelson wrote about his insights while working this summer and those insights form the core of his BEA article.

The article, titled “The Imperative of Empathy: A First-Person Explanation of Empathy as a Pedagogical Tool,” details his time in North Dakota living in a tent on a KOA campsite near other North Dakotan residents who had been displaced from their homes because of massive flooding. He filed reports on the experiences of the flood and the people without homes for KXMB.

You can read Nelson’s story HERE.