Project GLOBE and What Came After, or How I Learned to Love Cross-cultural Leadership Research – Feb. 9

Dr. Marcus Dickson comes to Elon to speak about cross-cultural leadership.

Dr. Marcus Dickson, Wayne State University

Thursday, February 9th at 5:00pm

Isabella Cannon Room, Center for the Arts

The GLOBE Study is a monumental research endeavor that has spanned over 12 years and has involved 170 researchers from around the world. The key focus of the study was to identify which leadership qualities are universally endorsed, and which are culturally contingent. Using rigorous scientific methodologies and analyses, the investigators gathered data from thousands of participants representing over 60 cultures throughout the world. The Project GLOBE has produced dozens of presentations, papers, chapters, and books – it is the hallmark of cross-cultural leadership research and has spawned further critical research in our increasingly global world. Dr. Dickson was a Co-Primary Investigator on Project GLOBE, and has presented and published his work on it extensively.

In his talk, Dr. Dickson will introduce the topic of cross-cultural organizational research, including some of the classic works in the area. He will then describe Project GLOBE, the largest cross-cultural study of leadership and culture ever conducted, along with some stories of how that project came to be. He will then highlight some of the areas where more research is desperately needed, and some of the challenges to doing that research. Finally, he will share advice with students by sharing the events in his career that led to serving first as the research assistant and later as one of the primary investigators of Project GLOBE, and how those have shaped his work (and that of his students!) to this day.

If you have any questions, please contact the Center for Leadership at x5232 or Dr. Chris Leupold, at