Question One: The Battle for Same-Sex Marriage in America – Feb. 23 screening

The Elon Center for the Study of Religion will be hosting a screening of the documentary "Question One: The Battle for Same-Sex Marriage in America." The screening will be held on Feb. 23 at 7:30 in the Oaks 212.

The screening will be followed by a conversation with Dr. Marvin M. Ellison, a Christian Ethicist from Bangor Theological Seminary in Maine.  Students, faculty, staff, and community members are welcome to join us.  Please contact Lynn Huber ( for more information.  

From the Question One website:

“On May 6th, 2009 Maine became the first state in this country to legislatively grant same-sex couples the right to marry.

Seven months later, on November 3rd, 2009 Maine reversed, becoming the thirty-first state in this country to say “no” to gay and lesbian marriage. It was an outcome that took the country by storm, and surprised many.

“Question One” chronicles the fierce and emotional battle that took place in Maine during that time, a battle whose political symbolism is a bellwether for the greater ideological battlefield in American politics, the greater stakes in terms of civil liberties, constitutional safeguards, legal rights and human dignity, but above all, a battle that will form a fulcrum in the 2012 elections.

Taking a “War Room” cinema-verite approach, “Question One” is the first documentary to ever cover this civil rights battle from both sides of a campaign. We spent the duration of the campaign as both sides formulated strategies, created advertising messages, shared private insights, prayed, cried, demonstrated, vociferated, petitioned, buttonholed, as they approached a battle framed by issues of civil rights, societal changes, religion, children, public school education, sex, love, hate, fear and loathing.

Produced by Fly On The Wall Productions and directed by award-winning journalists Joe Fox and James Nubile; “Question One” chronicles the campaigns and the issues raised but also tells the very human stories of various individuals who were connected on both sides of the divide, caught up in a cycle of events that would change their lives forever.”